Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day! The sun is shining and the air is brisk. Enjoyed a run with Lola. She was attacked by Rico, a neighbor's dog. I was surprised that my sweet mellow girl didn't even back down. She did seem a bit phased after the fact.
It was dinner and a movie for the family last night. Coraline. Typical Tim Burton. A bit trippy. I think Sarah liked it the best.
Aaaah! Coffee finally kicked in..time to attack the laundry.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

February 1st! I am guessing that the groundhog saw his shadow. What does that mean? 6 more weeks of winter or not? I never quite got that one. Recovering today after a marathon long day at our first JO volleyball tournament. It was fun but I am definitely feeling like I worked 6 days this week. We did pretty good considering this was the first game/tourney our team ever played in. We made it to the gold division but didn't last long after that. It was fun though. Now, how to teach the girls to talk to eachother and move? Sarah and Lola are trying to share the recliner right now and I think Sarah is definitely ruling Lola's world. Charlie is off skiing. I think he is watching his physique again (at least one of us does.) I was actually woken up in the middle of the night by is digestive system....and I'm an extremely deep sleeper! Con-man had a blast at a swimming b-day party yesterday. Well it is time to get outside and enjoy this glorious day!!! (Laundry and messy house can wait)